<aside> đź’ˇ This is the budget page, where information of how you spend and earn money is stored. You are free to remove or add to the categories below, which currently include:
<aside> 💡 The column “Percentage of Budget Spent” is a visual representation of how much money you have spent on items assigned to each of the different categories. The items are assigned to each category in the pages “Income” and “Expenditure”. This column shows ten boxes, which fill with colour based on the percentage of each category’s budget that has been spent:
The column “Budget Remaining” tells you the exact amount of your budget that’s remaining in each category.
<aside> 💡 Tip #1 To add another budget category to the table, click “+New” and then enter the necessary information.
<aside> 💡 Tip #2 You can see your total budget for this time period, as well as how much money you have spent so far below the “Budget” and “Expenses” columns. For example, the current budget is €1500 and the current total expense is €105.
<aside> 💡 Tip #3 To change from euro ****to another currency in “Balance”, click on “Balance”, click “Edit Property”, and then click “Euro”. Select your preferred currency symbol.
To change from euro to another currency in “Expense”, navigate to it’s parent page “Expenditure”.
To change from euro ****to another currency in “Budget Remaining”, click on “Budget Remaining”, click “Edit Property”, and then click “Edit”. Change “€” to your preferred currency symbol.